iPhone: my 10 free applications and unavoidable

I decided to share my 10 free and compelling applications on my iPhone th3bestapps24

  1.       Wunderlist: as I recently explained on the blog, Wunderlist is for me the best free tool for managing a task list. Every morning it's the same old story. I open my task management application to know the course of my day! I find my blog articles to, ideas for my future articles, appointments, personal things to do, etc.
  2.       News Republic: I do not spend much time watching TV, let alone to the information. However, as I like to keep me informed of what is happening around the world I have this topical application that follows me. News Republic lets you track all the hot topics that interest you from the main sources of information in France. A quick and easy way to learn all in minutes!
  3.       Inoreader: this online service became my official RSS feed reader since the death of Google Reader. Inoreader is a free application that allows me to follow all the blogs present in my drive (and there are many !!).
  4.       Instagram: I love this social network! The photos I want to share with you are posted on my Instagram account. Feel free to join me!
  5.       Tvshow Time: I am a "sérievore". A series eater what! I therefore use this application to record my series to see, mark seen episodes, manage my calendar series, or to discover new ones.
  6.       Runtastic I am a sportsman. I spend a lot of energy so I need my sports weekly dose. 2h Futsal Wednesday and 1hr jogging on Sunday. Runtastic accompanies me during my jogging workouts. Although personally I use version Runtastic PRO, Free is more than enough for beginners.
  7.       Abdominal training: as I told you, I love sports. Besides my workouts football and running, I also do some push-ups and abs every week (15 minutes each Monday, Wednesday and Friday). The application abdominal training is my favorite. It is regularly updated and offers very good exercises for beginners and initiates.
  8.       Leboncoin: I like to poke and dig up business (useless ??) on leboncoin. The iPhone application is rather successful and can serve ads, manage ads, or search for a particular product.
  9.       Google Drive: This free application allows me to keep all my files handy. I access my documents from my iPhone and found all files stored in Drive (videos, photos and documents). Safe, I can invite others to view or change my files and folders, or drop off comments.
  10.   Radio: radio universe in one application! This application lets you listen to more than 20,000 radio stations, web radios and podcasts local and international, for free, anywhere, anytime.
And you, what are your free and compelling applications on iPhone?